Info Techie

Who is a Techie ?

A person who has deep domain knowledge and is enthusiastic about Information Technology & Information Technology Products. AKA-Also Known As I T Professional.

About Info Techie Today :

Info Techie Today feature’s latest & competitive IaaS Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS Platform as a Service, SaaS Software as a Service, guiding buyers choose best suitable products suiting their requirement, helping them save time, money & efforts that could be used to be more productive. Info Techie’s social media pages, blogs, channels, feature’s interesting I T products & services, related news, trends, interviews.

Attributes of team @InfoTechie.Today : 

Analytical, Brilliant, Candid, Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Factual, Germane, Honest, Intelligent, Jovial, Knowledgeable, Lively, Modest, Nerd’s, Open minded, Proactive, Quintessential, Reliable, Simple, Techie’s, Unique, Viable, Witty, Xperience Officers, Yodelers, Zippy.

What is an Hashtag ?

An word or an phrase without any spaces in between after the Hash # symbol is called an hash tag. For Example   #InfoTechieToday

Hash Tag is born of the internet, Owned by no one. Hash tag is used for standing out from common words & phrases on social media platforms. Including hashtags strategically in social media posts categorizes content, improves post’s visibility, discovery & may result in better engagement by existing followers as well as by others.

We included Hash as our icon because hash precedes an keyword, it’s significance is unparalleled, It is used as an command, It is followed. We like it’s usability and effect.

We selected .Today as our domain extension as our content is current. We are always checking, testing, presenting latest product’s, updates, I T news, trends & answering relevant queries.

We live and work in the cloud computing environment as a fully remote team. For any further assistance, clarification, information, please feel free to write to us [email protected]  . We reply to e mail’s that have clear subject title & subject relevant query. If you do not receive any mails from our end within 12 – 48 hours on working days, consider that our security systems have marked your mail as spam. We do not entertain spamming.